telecommunication administration

英 [ˌtelikəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn] 美 [ˌtelikəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn]

网络  电信管制; 电信管理; 郵電話管理局



  1. This convergence is new process as clinical engineering, IT and telecommunication programs until recently served their administration and patient population separately.
  2. The MOTC shall establish for type I telecommunication enterprises the accounting separation system, accounting method, procedures, and principles, guidelines for accounting supervision and administration and other compulsory accounting criteria.
  3. The third generation international meteorological telecommunication system is a new generation telecommunication system that the China Meteorological Administration is developing according to the GTS's future development.
  4. In this thesis description of background and meaning of the performance management reform in China Telecom Yinchuan Branch has been made through introduce the development of telecommunication market competition and the important function of performance management reform in business administration.
  5. To meet these change, ITU-T developes a new unified integrated tools for telecommunication network maintenance and administration& telecommunication management network ( TMN).
  6. With the rapid increase of traffic amount and traffic variety of telecommunication network, telecommunication network is becoming more complicated and higher requirements for network's OAM ( operation, administration and maintenance) is needed.
  7. After our country enter into the WTO, the telecommunication industry must get rid of the administration monopoly by all means, establish effective the market of the positive competition.
  8. It summarizes the major point and conclusion, proposes several policy suggestion to break the telecommunication profession administration monopoly and promote competition pattern formation according to the preamble research.
  9. The telecommunication profession technology advancement aspect, the contribution coefficient which the telecommunication profession administration monopoly influences the total factor productivity is-1.327, and the negative influence is very big.